Friday, October 29, 2021

Top 5 reasons real estate agents need a Google business page

Top 5 reasons every real estate agent needs a google business page

It's important for realtors to have their own Google business page. Learn how having your own page will help you attract more clients, provide better customer service and increase sales. Let's face it Google is the go to search engine, marketing 101 "go to where the customers are" and they are on google. 

The top reasons every real estate agent needs to have a Google business page; 1). Google is the number one search engine for online consumer traffic

2). Consumers expect to be able to find you online, think of your real estate google business page as a digital store.

3). You can categorize your page as a "real estate business"

4.) Reviews! One happy customer well taken care of is worth more than $10,000 in advertising -Jim Rohn

5.) Create posts to promote your listings and services.

Take the time to learn more about all the other features and benefits Google offers in helping you grow your real estate business.

Real Estate Institute Of Rhode Island  

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