Friday, June 30, 2023

Why is real estate called real property?

Real Estate Institute of Rhode Island

Real property refers to land and anything permanently attached to it, such as buildings, structures, natural resources, and improvements. It is a legal term used in the field of real estate to distinguish land and its associated assets from personal property, which includes movable items like furniture, vehicles, and machinery.

Real property encompasses not only the physical land but also the rights, interests, and benefits that come with owning the land. These rights can include the right to use, sell, lease, mortgage, or transfer the property. Real property can also include air rights, water rights, mineral rights, and any other associated legal rights.

Real property is typically categorized into different types based on its use or purpose. These categories can include residential properties (such as single-family homes, condominiums, and apartments), commercial properties (such as office buildings, retail stores, and industrial warehouses), agricultural properties (such as farmland and ranches), and vacant land (undeveloped or unimproved property).

Real property ownership is often governed by legal systems, including property laws, zoning regulations, and local ordinances. These regulations dictate how the property can be used, developed, and transferred, and they vary from one jurisdiction to another.

In summary, real property refers to the land, buildings, and rights associated with owning immovable assets. It is a fundamental concept in real estate and plays a crucial role in various aspects of property ownership, development, and transactions.

Real Estate Institute of Rhode Island

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