Saturday, August 21, 2021

It's back to school, adult education that pays

It’s that time of year again, back to school!

No matter what your age you are never too old to learn something new, a Rhode Island real estate license offers freedom and income opportunity at any age.

We know you have a lot on your plate. You might be juggling work, family, and other commitments. That’s why we offer flexible real estate class schedules so that you can take the course at a time that works for your schedule. And with our online classes, there are no travel expenses or missed days of work, no need for childcare or transportation. With a real estate license, you will gain access to many different opportunities from sales, rentals and property management to name a few, the possibilities and opportunities are endless when it comes to what you can do with this valuable credential.

The first step to getting a Rhode Island Real Estate License is to complete the state required 45 hour licensing classes. Choose from day, night or weekend class schedules. Enroll in the Real Estate Institute Of Rhode Island fall real estate classes at

Enroll today, Start tomorrow.

*Must be 18 years of age to apply for a Rhode Island real estate license

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

The best real estate school in Rhode Island

The real estate institute of rhode island is the best school to get your Rhode Island real estate license, don't take our word for it. So many students praise this school, with reviews from current and former students who talk about how they were helped by passionate instructors that are committed to helping them pass their exam. One thing all these past graduates have in common? They passed! See what some of our students had to say about the Real Estate Institute Of Rhode Island. Please check out many more reviews on our google business page. Feel free to contact the school by visiting

Saturday, August 7, 2021

Why do you need a buyer's agent when purchasing a home in Rhode Island?

Buying a home in rhode island
Do you want to buy a house? Buying a home is one of the most important decisions in your life. It’s also one of the biggest investments you will ever make. And it can be an overwhelming process, especially if this is your first time buying a home. That’s where a real estate professional comes in! They are there to help guide you through every step of the way and answer any questions along the way. Trust a real estate agent to take care of all those pesky details so that you don’t have to worry about anything but finding your dream home! As a home buyer you deserve someone who will work hard for you and get results – A buyer representative specializes in working with buyers because they know how much goes into purchasing a new property and will want to give you everything you need before making a decision on which property best suits you.  When deciding to work with a buyers agent they will typically provide a buyers consultation where the agent will discuss the following with you.
Buying a home in Rhode Island

1.  Needs & Wants- They will help you determine your needs and wants. In buying a home you will have many things you will look for in your new home, it's important to be clear about what you must have and what you would like to have. 

2. Financing- Before you start looking at homes you want to be pre-approved for a mortgage (unless your paying cash). Today there are many different financing programs available, identifying the right program is crucial before you start the home search. Some of the programs you will learn about is conventional loans, FHA loans, VA loans just to name a few. Your real estate agent will assist you in arranging and exploring all the different financing programs. A bit of advice, it's not about how much a lender will loan you, it's about what you are comfortable with in making a monthly mortgage payment. 

3.  Making an offer- When you find that dream home your agent will assist you in drafting an offer to purchase. The offer you make will consist of two major things. First, the price you are willing to pay and Second, the terms and conditions of the offer.  Some of the common conditions and terms you will include in your offer;
  •  Financing contingency- This basically lets the seller know the purchase is subject to your ability to get a specific loan to buy the home. 
  •  Home inspection contingency- You are making your offer to purchase subject to a satisfactory structural and mechanical inspection of the property. You agent can recommend a qualified inspector.
  • Pest inspection- You want to make sure the home has not been compromised by wood destroying insects such as termites and carpenter post beetles. You also do not want to have other rodents occupying the property. (Note, most lenders require this type of inspection as a condition of getting a loan)
  • Radon inspection- Radon is an odorless & tasteless gas that rises from below the ground and is known to cause health issues. Testing is simple and correcting radon problems is easy.
  • Sale of old home- If you currently own a home and need to sell that first in order to buy your new home your offer will inform the seller of that. Basically you are letting them know you will go through with the purchase as long as you can sell your own home. 
  • Included in sale- It is not uncommon for a buyer to ask for the appliances to be included in the sale such as the stove, refrigerator, dishwasher and the wash & dryer. 
  • Closing cost assistance- If your tight on cash to buy a home you could ask for the seller to give you a credit to help you pay for many of the fee's a buyer will have in obtaining financing. 
4. The transaction process- A buyer representative will provide you an overview of the complete transaction  process, in other words from signing a contract to purchase to the day of the closing. Think of it like two goal posts on a football field, the goal is to get the ball from one end of the field (signing a contract) to the other end (the closing).  This process typically can take on average 30-60 days and its important to know during this time many other professionals have a hand in the process such as loan officers, Inspectors, title attorneys, appraisers, insurance agents, title insurance companies and potentially others during this time there are many steps and things to be completed by both the buyer and seller. A good agent will help oversee this process to ensure everyone stays on track and the ball doesn't get dropped.

Today buying a home is a complex process and carries with it many legal considerations. A prudent buyer will want a real estate agent who is on their side watching out for their best interest.

If you need help in finding a qualified Rhode Island real estate agent to assist you in buying a home contact the Real Estate Institute Of Rhode Island for a referral. As a Rhode Island real estate licensing and training school we can help you find the right agent for you. 

Quick video on the steps to getting a real estate license in Rhode Island

The most common question asked at the Real Estate Institute Of Rhode Island is "How do I get my Rhode Island real estate licnese". The answer is simple, watch our quick tutorial for the steps to lauching your real estate career in Rhode Island
Real Estate Institute Of Rhode Island

Friday, August 6, 2021

In business for yourself, not by yourself

When you get a Rhode Island real estate license, the sky is your limit. You will be joining an established real estate brokerage with years of experience in all areas of this industry- providing support, training and direction to help you succeed. The best part? It's always easier when someone has done it before - and has the knowledge to teach you how to be successful in real estate.
When you decide to take that big leap into the world of real estate as a self employed entrepreneur, the first important step is obtaining your Rhode Island real estate license. Stay calm and don't worry because there will be plenty of help from the Real Estate Institute of Rhode Island in helping you earn your real estate license and it doesn't end there, we will also as part of our commitment to helping you start your real estate business provide a one on one career counseling session to help you choose a brokerage to affiliate with. From there your broker will be giving you everything you need as a brand new agent to succeed. See where a Rhode Island real estate license can take you, visit for more information including class schedules and enrollment. Enroll today, start tomorrow.

Anyone can get a job

You can get a job or you can start a career. When you earn your Rhode Island real estate license, you open the door to a career that offers freedom and great income potential. Unlike a job that requires you to work set hours and your income potential is often capped and decided by someone else, and worse if you work hard the boss is the one who benefits, in real estate YOU are the boss! And everything you do directly benefits YOU. It’s time to take control of your future with this opportunity today!
Why not find out more about where a Rhode Island real estate license can take you! We're excited to help make this happen for people just like you - who want more than just another 9-5 job. To get started Visit for more information including class schedules, affordable tuition and enrollment options. Real Estate Institute Of Rhode Island Rhode Isalnd state accredited real estate licensing school dedicated to helping one student at a time earn their Rhode Isalnd reale state licnese and launch a successful career in real estate.

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Who knew my interest in looking at houses could be so financially rewarding?

My life took a turn for the better when I decided to get my Rhode Island real estate license. The home-buying and selling process is so much more rewarding and lucrative than I thought it would be, who knew doing what you love to do; looking at real estate could be so lucrative?
My interest in looking at houses had always been there, but until recently I never realized how valuable this skill and interest could become. When I first began helping people find their perfect home or helping them sell their home, it was out of passion rather than potential financial gain but helping someone buy or sell yields substantial financial reward. And not only has my work as an agent enriched greatly over time due both my interest in looking at homes and helping people buy or sell it has given me the freedom and flexibility to work when I want and as much as I want. Not many careers offer this freedom and financial reward. I owe credit to the Real Estate Institute of Rhode Island for helping me take the first step in finding my passion.

The best real estate licensing school in Rhode Island

The Real Estate Institute of Rhode Island is the best school to get your Rhode Island license. Don't take my word for it, you can read reviews from current and former students who praise our classes, instructors and staff. One common point all attendees make about this passionate real estate school is how they were committed to helping them pass. Our school has a great reputation for teaching real estate and will ensure any future agents have what it takes to succeed at such an amazing profession. If you have ever thought about a career in real estate the best time to start is now, visit to enroll and see where a Rhode Island real estate licesne can take you. Enroll today, start tomorrow.

Why I decided to get my Rhode Island real estate license

The best opportunity to make a fresh start in life is by getting your real estate license. I did it because i wanted freedom and an income that would reward me for my effort, unlike other professions where you are limited on what salary range can be expected even with years of experience. The reason I earned my Rhode Island real estate license is I never wanted to be a slave for someone else. I always knew that my personal freedom was the most important thing in life, but I also needed an opportunity where hard work paid off.
I used to think of myself as just another cog in the wheel; one more person with no control over their career path or income potential - until I got my Rhode Island real estate license! That's when everything changed for me, with this industry you're really have freedom and total creative power because it is a business of your own, no limits no controls on what you can accomplish. In a real estate career all that matters are three simple things: ambition, dedication & diligence and a passion for helping people achieve the American dream of home ownership, it doesn't get much better than that.

Monday, August 2, 2021

How to earn a Rhode Island real estate license

How to get a Rhode Island real estate license - | Real Estate Institute Of Rhode Island Rhode Island requires a candidate for licensure complete a 45 hour real estate licensing class.
1. Candidates must be 18 years of age, 2. Hold a high school diploma or equivalent, 3. Pass the licensing exam 4. Complete a 3 hour Lead class 5. Obtain criminal background check 6. Submit an application to the state of Rhode Island for licensure. Real Estate Institute Of Rhode Island

"RITE Start" Rhode Island Training & Education for newly licensed real estate agents

Rhode Island- The Real Estate Institute Of Rhode Island has announced the addition of post real estate training and education to their curricculum. According to Robert Scaralia education director for the Institute RITE Start is a intergral part of any new real estate agents post licensing training. Pre licensing classes prepare candidates to earn their Rhode Island real estate license but does not provide the knowledge and skills necessary for success in the real world of real estate. According to Scaralia the post licnensing class consists of 7 core traiing labs each designed to provide a new agent the basic knowledge and skills every licensed agent needs to launch their real estate career. Learn more Post license training

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Real estate classes Rhode Island

Rhode Island Real Estate License | The Real Estate Institute of RI Get your real estate license in Rhode Island with the help of the leading real estate licensing school. Call 401-943-8500 for more information or visit

Looking for a career change that offers independence and high earning potential?

Our Rhode Island Real Estate School offers the best real estate licensing classes in the state. Our courses are approved by the RI Department of Business Regulation and we offer an exciting, rewarding career to those who complete our program. We’ve been teaching people how to become licensed for almost a decade. Our intructors are expert educatators and bring to the classroom decades of field experience as active real estate agents.
You can be on your way to a new life with just one phone call or click! Get started today Don’t wait another day before starting your journey towards success! Ready to enroll and start your education on becoming a licensed real estate agent in Rhode Island! Enroll today, start tomorrow.

High earning potential

Real estate agents have high earning potential and the freedom to work when they want and as much as they want. They earn a median income of $50,000 per year and have low overhead costs. However, only 1% of people who want to be real estate agents actually become one. The reason is that it takes time to complete the necessary education requirements for licensure. This is where the Real Estate Institute Of Rhode Island comes in, we make getting your license easy by offering online courses taught by experts with years of experience working as licensed realtors themselves! Our online classes are convenient and affordable, complete the required 45 hour course in as little as 3 weeks. Choose day, night or weekend class schedules. Enroll today, start tomorrow.

Rhode Island real estate careers, you can do it and we can help

Candidates for a Rhode Island real estate license are required to complete a 45 hour licensing course. This is a pre-requisites you need to complete before you can sit for the exam, and it can be hard to find the time or motivation to do these things without help. If this sounds like you, then we have good news! We're a Rhode Island Real Estate School that offers an online course with all of the information you need to become licensed as a real estate agent in RI. Our classes are designed and taught by experts so that they will prepare you for your state licensing exams and give you the knowledge and confidence needed to succeed. Choose day, night or weekend class schedules Enroll today and get started on your path toward becoming a successful real estate agent! As part of our commitment to helping you become a licensed Rhode Island real estate agent students can take any class over free of charge until you pass the exam. Enroll today, start tomorrow.

Rhode Island Real Estate Market Report December 2024

  Real Estate Institute of Rhode Island Monthly Market Report